Our global Internet backbone, AS1299 is currently ranked #1 and our IP customers account for nearly 60% of all Internet routes. Whether you're a startup or Fortune 500, our network is the backbone of your business – connecting you directly to everything and everyone that matters.
From the fiber up, our highly skilled engineers manage our network infrastructure from a nuclear bomb-proof network operations center, cased in two meters of concrete and a wall of Swedish granite, 35 meters below the ground. Our fully owned fiber and network assets allow us to operate a fully scalable, reliable and diverse network environment to deliver an award-winning customer experience.
BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) routing is the central nervous system of the Internet. Stable and efficient IP routing between different Autonomous Systems (AS) is essential for the security of the entire Internet ecosystem. Our BGP communities and the added security of RPKI enable manageable and reliable traffic flows.
Whether you're just curious or need some tools to check your connectivity, our looking glass puts you at the heart of our network.